Produktions ID i Tereba: PD0032479-2324
Producer HumanLab
Co-producer Art Farm
Concept and directing: Anna Carla Maria Penati
Componist and Sound Designer: Domenico Mannelli
Mask maker: Alessandra Faienza
Performers: Anna Carla Maria Penati, Marco Zavarise, Martin Schultz Kristensen, MengTin Liu
Audience: fra 6 år og op
According to the French anthropologist Marc Augé, train stations could be defined as "Non-places." "Non-places" are spaces where millions of individualities intersect without entering into relationships, driven by the frenetic desire to consume and accelerate daily routines. "Non-places" are spaces like airports, shopping malls, waiting rooms, or train stations: they are places that have similar characteristics worldwide, and where every traveler feels reassured in their anonymity. People pass through "Non-places," but no one lives there.
What if someone lived in a train station?
With its mask universal style, Terminus open up a poetic window to train stations and tells a story that reveals the potentiality of urban waiting spaces and the preciousness of our waiting time
A man, an old man, a homeless, lives in a train station: every day he sees hundreds of people passing by. They pass and do not stop, like the time: flies away to never come back. If instead, for once, people slow down and even stop? What would happen? Terminus is a show that explores the infinite facets of human relationships and their unexpected surprises.
Terminus is a show that aims at re-discovering the value of time. In this historical moment we are used to fulfil our waiting time scrolling our phone, and create therefore an “accelerated time” in which not even the slightest moment can be wasted in waiting. In this way we lose though, our connection to the present moment and don’t allow anymore unexpected encounters with other humans to be part of our lives. We decided therefore to set the show in a train station’s waiting room, a “non-place” like thousands others in the world, to explore the wonder, which unpredictable encounters with other people could bring in a suspended time. We feel relevant to tell a story that takes place in these moments and spaces that our generation and the new ones have forgotten, in order to remind us that taking time to raise our eyes and wait for the others is still a valuable option.
Anna Carla Maria Penati, instruktør, actress and mask lecturer
(Interview at Dramaturgi Dpt. Aarhus Universitet 2020)
"Masks have always been mysterious and fascinating objects: originating from ancient traditions, they bring us, still today, closer to the most unexpressed part of our being, awakening our dreams and making us laugh and cry. Every time you look at a mask, even when completely still, a new, imaginary world - sometimes curious, sometimes funny - instantly opens up; both performing arts and folklore have constantly exploited their remarkable expressive potentiality. But what they mean to me most, it is that masks ask the audience to breathe in a suspended poetic time and to look at the world with the astonishment of a child".
Ifølge den franske antropolog Marc Auge' kunne togstationer defineres som ”Non-places” (Ikke- steder).”Non-places” er rum, hvor millioner af individualiteter krydser hinanden uden at indgå i relationer, drevet af det frenetiske ønske om at forbruge og accelerere den daglige rutine. ”Non-places” er rum som lufthavne, indkøbscentre, venteværelser eller togstationer: de er steder, der har lignende karakteristika over hele verden, og hvor enhver rejsende føler sig beroliget i deres anonymitet.Folk passerer gennem ”Non-places”, men der bor ingen der.
Hvad nu hvis, der var nogen, som boede på en togstation?
Terminus er et show, hvis formål er at genfinde værdien af tid.
I dette historiske øjeblik er vi vant til at opfylde vores ventetid ved at rulle vores telefon og skabe derfor en "accelereret tid", hvor ikke engang det mindste øjeblik må spildes. På denne måde mister vi dog vores forbindelse til nuet og tillader ikke mere uventede møder med andre mennesker at være en del af vores liv.
Vi besluttede derfor at sætte showet i en togstations venteværelse, et "ikke-sted" som tusinder andre i verden, for at udforske vidunderet, som uforudsigelige møder med andre folk kunne indbringe en suspenderet tid.
Vi føler os relevante at fortælle en historie, der foregår i disse øjeblikke og rum, som vores generation og de nye har glemt, for at minde os om, at at tage tid til at løfte øjnene og vente for de andre er stadig en værdifuld mulighed.